- Instrumental: things which may be used as instruments to achieve something good/bad
- Intrinsic: things that are good/bad even when taken in themselves (and not simply because they lead to something good or bad)
- Hedonism: Pleasure and only pleasure is intrinsically good. Pain and only pain is intrinsically bad.
- Quantitative hedonism (Bentham): Only the amount of pleasure matters.
- Qualitative hedonism (Mill): The quality of pleasure also matters.
- Eudaimonism: Happiness is intrinsically good.
- Desire satisfaction theories: What matters is the satisfaction of one's desires and wants.
- Pluralistic theories: There are several basic evils and goods; e.g.:
- suffering, and pleasure
- ignorance and knowledge
- ugliness and beauty
- premature death and conscious life
- the loss of one's abilities and gain of abilities
- the loss of freedom and gain of freedom
- Things (actions) one must do or must avoid doing
- Normal permissions: things (actions) one can do (is allowed to do)
- Supererogations (ideals): Things (actions) that go beyond the call of duty; heroic or very difficult actions that cannot be required from everyone.
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